Why Safety Experts Need to Learn Machine Learning

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, trust and safety experts, especially safety by design experts, play a crucial role in ensuring that new products and features are safe and ethical.

However, with the increasing integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in various products, these experts face a new challenge: understanding and evaluating the safety implications of AI-driven systems.

The Growing Importance of AI/ML Knowledge

Reviewing New Products and Features

Safety by design experts are responsible for reviewing all new products and features to identify potential risks and ensure they align with safety standards. As AI and ML become integral to these products, understanding the underlying technologies is crucial. Without a basic grasp of how AI/ML models work, safety experts may miss critical issues or be unable to provide meaningful feedback to product teams.

Addressing Bias Throughout AI Development

Bias in AI/ML systems is a critical safety concern that occurs throughout the entire process of AI development.

These biases can lead to harmful outcomes if left unchecked.

Safety by design experts need to understand how bias can manifest in AI/ML to identify and mitigate these risks effectively.

Advising Product Managers and Engineers

As companies increasingly integrate AI/ML into their products, safety by design experts must be able to provide informed advice.

This requires a basic understanding of AI/ML concepts, including how models are trained, evaluated, and deployed.

Without this knowledge, safety professionals may struggle to communicate effectively with AI engineers or product managers, potentially leading to gaps in safety protocols.

Understanding Bias in AI Development

To illustrate the importance of ML knowledge, let’s explore how bias can manifest throughout the AI development process:

Bias in AI can stem from various sources.

Historical Bias

Historical bias arises from pre-existing societal and structural inequalities reflected in the data, regardless of its perfect collection or representation.

This type of bias is inherent in the data before any ML model is applied and arises from past human decisions, societal inequalities, and institutional practices that are reflected in the dataset. 


Word embeddings learned from text corpora reflect real-world gender biases, associating words like “nurse” with women and “engineer” with men.

Representation Bias

Representation bias arises when the data used to train an ML model does not adequately represent the diversity of the target population or the context in which the model is intended to operate. 

This lack of representativeness can lead to models that perform well for some groups or scenarios but poorly for others, particularly for those underrepresented in the training data.


ImageNet dataset contains mostly images from North America and Western Europe, leading to poor performance on images from underrepresented regions like India or Pakistan.

Measurement Bias

Measurement Bias involves inaccuracies in how data features and labels are defined and collected. These biases lead to inaccurate or skewed model predictions.


Using “arrest” as a proxy for “crime” in criminal justice risk assessment tools, which can be biased due to over-policing of minority communities.

Aggregation Bias

Aggregation bias occurs when a single model is applied to diverse groups within the data that have different characteristics or behaviors, but the model fails to account for these differences.

This can lead to a model that performs well on average across the entire dataset but performs poorly for specific subgroups. 


A customer segmentation model based solely on average online behavior might miss the nuances of behaviors across different demographics.

Learning Bias

Learning bias occurs because the way a model learns from its training data introduces or increases unfairness or inaccuracy for certain segments of the data.


A news recommendation engine trained on user click data might prioritize sensational headlines and reinforce existing biases in user preferences. The model overfits to the training data, amplifying existing biases and limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints.

Evaluation Bias

Evaluation bias occurs when the data used to assess the performance of a model does not accurately represent the population the model is intended to serve. 


Facial analysis algorithms performing poorly on dark-skinned women, which was not detected due to their underrepresentation in common benchmark datasets.

Deployment Bias

Mismatched Contexts: A model might be developed with certain assumptions about its operational environment or user base that do not hold true in practice, leading to a gap between expected and actual performance.


Risk assessment tools in criminal justice being used to determine sentence lengths, despite being designed to predict likelihood of reoffending.

(Reference: Suresh, Harini, and John Guttag. “A framework for understanding sources of harm throughout the machine learning life cycle.” Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization. 2021)

Practical Applications of ML Knowledge for Safety Experts

While understanding the basics of machine learning (ML) is crucial for safety experts, it’s equally important to know how to apply this knowledge in practical scenarios. Here are some specific examples of how safety experts can leverage ML knowledge in their work:

1. Risk Assessment in Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems

Safety experts with ML knowledge can better assess the risks associated with algorithmic decision-making systems.

For example:

Credit Scoring: When reviewing a ML-based credit scoring system, a safety expert can identify potential biases in the training data or model that could lead to unfair lending practices. They can recommend techniques like fairness constraints or adversarial debiasing to mitigate these risks.

Hiring Algorithms: For AI-powered recruitment tools, safety experts can evaluate the feature selection process to ensure it doesn’t inadvertently discriminate against protected groups. They might suggest using techniques like counterfactual fairness to test the model’s decisions.

2. Explainable AI for Safety-Critical Systems

In systems where interpretability is crucial for safety, ML-savvy safety experts can:

Medical Diagnosis AI: Evaluate the explainability of AI-assisted diagnosis tools using techniques like LIME or SHAP, ensuring that healthcare professionals can understand and verify the AI’s decision-making process.

Financial Fraud Detection: Recommend the use of interpretable models (e.g., rule-based systems or decision trees) alongside more complex black-box models to balance performance with explainability in fraud detection systems.

3. Evaluating AI Model Robustness

Understanding ML allows safety experts to assess the robustness of AI models against various types of attacks or failures:

Adversarial Attacks: In image recognition systems used for security purposes, safety experts can design adversarial examples to test the model’s resilience. They can then recommend implementing adversarial training or defensive distillation to improve model robustness.

Out-of-Distribution Detection: For autonomous systems like self-driving cars, safety experts can evaluate how well the model identifies and handles situations outside its training distribution. They might suggest implementing uncertainty quantification techniques to improve safety in unfamiliar scenarios.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Model Drift Detection

Safety experts can apply ML knowledge to ensure the ongoing safety of deployed AI systems:

Content Moderation: For social media platforms using AI for content moderation, safety experts can design monitoring systems to detect concept drift in the model’s performance over time, ensuring it remains effective and fair as online content evolves.

Predictive Maintenance: In industrial settings using ML for predictive maintenance, safety experts can implement techniques to detect data drift and model decay, ensuring that safety-critical predictions remain accurate over time.

By applying ML knowledge in these ways, safety experts can more effectively identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with AI systems, ultimately contributing to the development of safer and more ethical AI technologies.

5. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

Safety experts with ML knowledge can better address privacy concerns in AI systems:

Federated Learning: When reviewing systems that handle sensitive user data, safety experts can recommend federated learning approaches to train models without centralizing user data.

Differential Privacy: For data analytics projects, safety experts can suggest implementing differential privacy techniques to protect individual privacy while allowing useful insights to be extracted from the data.


As AI and ML technologies become increasingly prevalent in product development, safety by design experts must adapt their skillsets to include a solid understanding of these fields.

By learning the basics of machine learning, these experts will be better equipped to:

  1. Identify potential biases and safety risks in AI-driven products
  2. Provide valuable insights and recommendations throughout the development process
  3. Collaborate effectively with product managers and engineers to create safer, more ethical AI systems

Embracing this knowledge will not only enhance the capabilities of safety by design experts but also contribute to the development of more responsible and trustworthy AI technologies.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of AI integration in various products and services, the role of well-informed safety experts becomes increasingly vital in shaping a safer, more equitable technological future.

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