User Behavior Analytics with Python

In this analysis, I revisit the comprehensive study I initially conducted using SQL, now harnessing the enhanced flexibility and power of Python to expand the horizons of what’s achievable.

While SQL provided a robust foundation for understanding user behavior, its limitations became apparent when tackling more complex, predictive tasks.

Enter Python – a versatile language with an extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools that empowers us to transcend basic queries and delve into the realm of sophisticated machine learning models.

This transition from SQL to Python marks a significant leap in our analytical capabilities. Where SQL excelled in data retrieval and basic aggregations, Python opens up a world of possibilities.

It allows us to seamlessly integrate data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning within a single environment.

By leveraging Python’s rich set of libraries such as pandas for data handling, scikit-learn for machine learning, and matplotlib for visualization, we can now uncover deeper insights and build predictive models that were previously out of reach.

The shift to Python doesn’t negate the value of our initial SQL analysis; rather, it builds upon that foundation.

  1. Data Cleaning
  2. Feature Engineering
  3. Sales Prediction
  4. Revenue Prediction
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