Adversarial Robustness

In our previous post, we discussed the importance of reliability and robustness in machine learning models, focusing on general techniques to improve model performance under various conditions.

This post explores deeper into a specific aspect of model security: adversarial robustness. While our last post touched on adversarial examples, here we’ll explore more sophisticated attack methods and advanced defense strategies, using the Adult dataset as our case study.

You can find the complete code in my GitHub repository.

Beyond Random Noise: Understanding Adversarial Attacks

Adversarial attacks are more than just random perturbations; they are intelligently crafted inputs designed to exploit the vulnerabilities of AI models.

Unlike the general robustness we discussed previously, adversarial robustness deals with defending against these targeted attacks.

Advanced Types of Adversarial Attacks
  1. Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM): A white-box attack that uses the gradient of the loss with respect to the input data to create adversarial examples.
  2. Projected Gradient Descent (PGD): An iterative version of FGSM, considered one of the strongest first-order attacks.
  3. Carlini & Wagner (C&W) Attack: A powerful optimization-based attack that often produces less perceptible perturbations.
  4. DeepFool: An iterative method that finds the minimal perturbation to cross the decision boundary.

Why Adversarial Robustness Matters

While reliability and robustness deal with maintaining model performance in the face of unexpected variations and noisy data, adversarial robustness specifically addresses the threat of intentional perturbations designed to mislead the model.

These perturbations, or adversarial attacks, are crafted to exploit model weaknesses, leading to incorrect predictions.

In high-stakes applications, such as financial forecasting, healthcare, and autonomous systems, adversarial attacks can have severe consequences.

For example, a slight modification to an image might cause a model to misclassify it entirely, leading to potential security breaches or incorrect decisions.

Real-World Examples

The Double-Edged Sword of Adversarial Images:
Tricking AI and Influencing Human Perception

The article by Gamaleldin Elsayed and Michael Mozer from DeepMind highlights how subtle image alterations, known as adversarial perturbations, designed to fool AI systems, can also subtly influence human perception.

The research shows that humans, under controlled conditions, are more likely to be influenced by these adversarial images, selecting them more often than chance would predict.

This finding underscores the importance of aligning AI models more closely with human perception to enhance their robustness and safety.

The study emphasizes the need for further research into how these technologies impact both AI systems and human cognition.

You can learn more about the original study by reading the full paper published in Nature Communications.

This example underscores the complex nature of adversarial attacks and their potential consequences beyond just AI systems.

It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to AI safety that considers both technological and human factors.

The Hidden Threats to AI in Healthcare: Universal Adversarial Attacks

In a study published in BMC Medical Imaging, researchers highlighted a significant vulnerability in AI-driven medical diagnostics—universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs).

These tiny, imperceptible modifications to medical images can cause deep neural networks (DNNs) to misclassify diagnoses with alarming accuracy.

The study tested various DNN models used for classifying skin cancer, diabetic retinopathy, and pneumonia, finding that UAPs had an over 80% success rate in causing misdiagnoses, regardless of the model architecture.

This research underscores a critical concern: AI systems in healthcare, despite their potential, can be easily deceived by these attacks, which could lead to dangerous misdiagnoses in real-world settings

Case Study: Sophisticated Attacks on the Adult Dataset

Let’s revisit the Adult dataset, this time focusing on how more advanced adversarial attacks might be constructed and defended against.

Implementing PGD Attack

In our experiment, we implement the PGD attack as follows:

def pgd_attack(model, x, y, epsilon=0.01, alpha=0.001, num_iter=10):
    x_adv = x.copy()
    y = tf.reshape(y, (1, 1))  # Reshape y to match the model output
    for _ in range(num_iter):
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            x_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_adv, dtype=tf.float32)
            prediction = model(x_tensor)
            loss = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(y, prediction)
        gradient = tape.gradient(loss, x_tensor)
        signed_grad = tf.sign(gradient)
        x_adv += alpha * signed_grad
        x_adv = tf.clip_by_value(x_adv, x - epsilon, x + epsilon)
    return x_adv.numpy()

Analyzing the Results

After applying the PGD attack to our model trained on the Adult dataset, we observed the following results:

  • Accuracy on clean examples: 84.88%
  • Accuracy on adversarial examples: 83.79%
  1. Minimal Impact: The PGD attack caused a relatively small drop in accuracy of about 1.09 percentage points. This suggests that either our model has some inherent robustness, or the attack parameters were not strong enough to generate highly effective adversarial examples.
  2. Dataset Characteristics: The Adult dataset primarily consists of categorical and discrete numerical features. This characteristic might make it less susceptible to small perturbations compared to datasets with continuous features (like images).
  3. Model Robustness: The minimal impact of the attack could also indicate that our model has some level of robustness. This could be due to the nature of the dataset, the model architecture, or the training process.


While our model showed resilience against this particular PGD attack, it’s important to note that this doesn’t guarantee robustness against all types of adversarial attacks.

Here are some directions for further investigation:

  1. Stronger Attacks: Experiment with stronger attack parameters or different attack methods (e.g., FGSM, DeepFool) to test the model’s limits.
  2. Feature Analysis: Investigate which features are most susceptible to adversarial perturbations. This could provide insights into the model’s decision-making process and potential vulnerabilities.
  3. Adversarial Training: Incorporate adversarial examples into the training process to potentially improve the model’s robustness.
  4. Robustness Metrics: Explore more comprehensive robustness metrics beyond accuracy, such as the average minimum perturbation required to change the model’s prediction.
  5. Interpretability: Use model interpretation techniques to understand how adversarial examples affect the model’s decision-making process.

Techniques for Adversarial Robustness

Building on our previous discussion of robustness, let’s explore more advanced techniques specifically designed to combat sophisticated adversarial attacks:

1. Adversarial Training with PGD

Let’s look at a practical implementation of adversarial training using PGD. In our experiment, we trained a binary classification model over 5 epochs, using the following approach:

  1. Generate adversarial examples using PGD attack
  2. Train the model on these adversarial examples
  3. Evaluate the model on both clean and adversarial test data after each epoch
Results and Analysis

Here’s what we observed over the course of training:

EpochClean AccuracyAdversarial Accuracy
  • Accuracy on clean examples: 0.8510
  • Accuracy on adversarial examples: 0.8435

These results reveal several interesting insights:

  1. Improved Robustness: The model’s accuracy on adversarial examples increased from 0.8384 to 0.8435, demonstrating enhanced robustness against attacks.
  2. Maintained Clean Performance: Importantly, the accuracy on clean examples also improved slightly (from 0.8487 to 0.8510), showing that we didn’t sacrifice performance on normal inputs.
  3. Generalization: The final accuracies on clean and adversarial examples are remarkably close (0.8510 vs 0.8435), indicating that the model has learned to generalize well to both types of inputs.
  4. Steady Improvement: Both clean and adversarial accuracies showed a general upward trend across epochs, suggesting effective learning without overfitting.

Adversarial training with PGD has proven to be an effective technique for enhancing model robustness. By exposing our model to challenging adversarial examples during training, we’ve created a more resilient classifier that performs well on both clean and adversarial inputs.

2. TRADES (TRadeoff-inspired Adversarial DEfense via Surrogate-loss minimization)

In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning security, adversarial attacks pose a significant threat to the reliability of AI systems. TRADES (TRadeoff-inspired Adversarial DEfense via Surrogate-loss minimization) emerges as a powerful technique to enhance the robustness of machine learning models against such attacks.

Understanding TRADES

TRADES is designed to strike a balance between standard accuracy and adversarial robustness. It achieves this by minimizing a surrogate loss that accounts for both the natural error on clean data and the boundary error measured by the distance to adversarial examples.

Experimental Results

We implemented TRADES on a binary classification task and observed its performance over 5 epochs. Here are the key findings:

  1. Consistent Improvement: The clean accuracy improved from 0.8444 in the first epoch to 0.8495 in the final epoch, showing that TRADES doesn’t compromise the model’s performance on clean data.
  2. Enhanced Robustness: The adversarial accuracy increased from 0.8384 to 0.8414 over the course of training, indicating improved resilience against adversarial attacks.
  3. Stability: The model maintained a relatively stable performance throughout training, with both clean and adversarial accuracies showing steady improvement.
  4. Final Performance: After 5 epochs, the model achieved a final accuracy of 0.8495 on clean examples and 0.8414 on adversarial examples.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of TRADES in improving both standard and adversarial accuracy. The small gap between clean and adversarial accuracies (approximately 0.008) suggests that the model has learned to generalize well to both types of inputs.

It’s worth noting that while the improvements may seem incremental, even small gains in adversarial robustness can be significant in real-world applications where security is paramount.


TRADES proves to be a promising approach for developing robust machine learning models. By explicitly accounting for the trade-off between standard and adversarial accuracy, it offers a path to creating AI systems that are not only accurate but also resilient against potential attacks.

3. Randomized Smoothing for Certified Robustness

Randomized Smoothing works by adding random noise to input samples during inference. By averaging predictions over multiple noisy versions of an input, we create a “smoothed” classifier that is more resistant to small perturbations.

Experimental Results

We implemented Randomized Smoothing on our binary classification model trained with the TRADES (TRadeoff-inspired Adversarial DEfense via Surrogate-loss minimization) algorithm. Here are our findings:

  1. Accuracy with Randomized Smoothing: 0.8502
  2. Accuracy without Smoothing: 0.8495

The results demonstrate a slight improvement in accuracy when using Randomized Smoothing. While the gain might seem marginal (0.0007 or about 0.07%), it’s important to consider the following:

  1. Robustness vs. Accuracy Trade-off: Often, techniques that enhance robustness can lead to a decrease in standard accuracy. Here, we see a small increase, which is encouraging.
  2. Certified Robustness: The true value of Randomized Smoothing lies not just in the accuracy improvement, but in the certifiable guarantees it provides. It allows us to prove a lower bound on the classification accuracy under adversarial attack.
  3. Complementary to Adversarial Training: Used in conjunction with adversarial training methods like TRADES, Randomized Smoothing adds an extra layer of defense against adversarial examples.
  4. Scalability: Unlike some robustness techniques, Randomized Smoothing is applicable to large-scale models and doesn’t require changes to the training procedure.
Practical Implications

While the accuracy improvement in our experiment is modest, the real benefit of Randomized Smoothing is the ability to make formal guarantees about model behavior under adversarial attack. This is crucial for deploying machine learning models in security-critical applications where provable robustness is necessary.


Randomized Smoothing represents a significant step forward in the quest for robust AI systems. By providing both improved accuracy and certifiable robustness guarantees, it offers a powerful tool for defenders in the ongoing arms race against adversarial attacks.


Adversarial robustness is essential for developing reliable AI models, particularly in security-sensitive applications. This post explored advanced defense techniques like PGD, TRADES, and Randomized Smoothing, each offering unique benefits in enhancing model resilience against adversarial attacks.

Our experiments with the Adult dataset showed that adversarial training, especially with PGD and TRADES, can significantly bolster a model’s defenses while maintaining its performance on clean data. Randomized Smoothing further adds certified robustness, providing formal guarantees against adversarial threats.

In summary, building robust AI systems requires a combination of these strategies to ensure models are both accurate and secure in the face of sophisticated attacks. These techniques are key to creating AI systems that can thrive in real-world, high-stakes environments.

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