Fairness, Bias Detection and Mitigation

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the concepts of fairness, bias detection, and mitigation have become increasingly crucial. As AI systems play a growing role in decision-making processes across various domains, from hiring to lending to criminal justice, it’s essential to ensure these systems don’t perpetuate or exacerbate existing societal biases.

This post explores the importance of fairness in AI, methods for detecting bias, and strategies for mitigating unfair outcomes. We’ll cover theoretical concepts and provide a practical example using the Adult dataset.

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  1. Understanding Fairness in AI
  2. Navigating Conflicting Definitions
  3. Bias in AI: Sources and Impact
  4. Detecting Bias in Data and Models
  5. Mitigating Bias: Strategies for Fairer AI
  6. Example: Bias Detection and Mitigation with the Adult Dataset
  7. Detecting Bias
  8. Mitigating Bias
  9. Evaluating the Impact
  10. Challenges and Considerations
  11. Conclusion

Understanding Fairness in AI

Fairness in AI refers to the absence of prejudice or favoritism towards an individual or group based on their inherent or acquired characteristics.

In the context of machine learning models, fairness means that the model’s predictions or decisions do not discriminate against particular demographic groups.

However, defining fairness is not straightforward. There are multiple, sometimes conflicting, definitions of fairness, including:

Demographic Parity

The proportion of positive outcomes should be equal across all demographic groups.

Equal Opportunity

The true positive rates should be equal across all groups.

Predictive Parity

The precision of the model should be equal across all groups.

Navigating Conflicting Definitions

Choosing a fairness metric depends on the specific context and goals of your AI system.

For example, demographic parity might be prioritized in hiring to ensure equal representation, while equal opportunity might be more appropriate in lending, where we want to ensure all groups have the same chance of being correctly approved for loans.

It’s crucial to understand that optimizing for one fairness metric can sometimes come at the expense of another.

Bias in AI: Sources and Impact

Bias in AI can stem from various sources.

Historical Bias

Historical bias arises from pre-existing societal and structural inequalities reflected in the data, regardless of its perfect collection or representation.

This type of bias is inherent in the data before any ML model is applied and arises from past human decisions, societal inequalities, and institutional practices that are reflected in the dataset. 


Word embeddings learned from text corpora reflect real-world gender biases, associating words like “nurse” with women and “engineer” with men.

Representation Bias

Representation bias arises when the data used to train an ML model does not adequately represent the diversity of the target population or the context in which the model is intended to operate. 

This lack of representativeness can lead to models that perform well for some groups or scenarios but poorly for others, particularly for those underrepresented in the training data.


ImageNet dataset contains mostly images from North America and Western Europe, leading to poor performance on images from underrepresented regions like India or Pakistan.

Measurement Bias

Measurement Bias involves inaccuracies in how data features and labels are defined and collected. These biases lead to inaccurate or skewed model predictions.


Using “arrest” as a proxy for “crime” in criminal justice risk assessment tools, which can be biased due to over-policing of minority communities.

Aggregation Bias

Aggregation bias occurs when a single model is applied to diverse groups within the data that have different characteristics or behaviors, but the model fails to account for these differences.

This can lead to a model that performs well on average across the entire dataset but performs poorly for specific subgroups. 


A customer segmentation model based solely on average online behavior might miss the nuances of behaviors across different demographics.

Learning Bias

Learning bias occurs because the way a model learns from its training data introduces or increases unfairness or inaccuracy for certain segments of the data.


A news recommendation engine trained on user click data might prioritize sensational headlines and reinforce existing biases in user preferences. The model overfits to the training data, amplifying existing biases and limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints.

Evaluation Bias

Evaluation bias occurs when the data used to assess the performance of a model does not accurately represent the population the model is intended to serve. 


Facial analysis algorithms performing poorly on dark-skinned women, which was not detected due to their underrepresentation in common benchmark datasets.

Deployment Bias

Mismatched Contexts: A model might be developed with certain assumptions about its operational environment or user base that do not hold true in practice, leading to a gap between expected and actual performance.


Risk assessment tools in criminal justice being used to determine sentence lengths, despite being designed to predict likelihood of reoffending.

(Reference: Suresh, Harini, and John Guttag. “A framework for understanding sources of harm throughout the machine learning life cycle.” Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization. 2021)

Detecting Bias in Data and Models

Bias can creep into AI systems through various channels, primarily through training data and algorithm design. Here are some methods to detect bias:

Data Analysis

Examine your training data for underrepresentation or overrepresentation of certain groups. Look for historical biases that might be present in the data.

Statistical Tests

Use statistical measures like disparate impact analysis to quantify the difference in outcomes between groups.

Fairness Metrics

Implement fairness metrics such as equal opportunity difference or statistical parity difference to measure the level of bias in your model’s predictions.

Slicing Analysis

Evaluate your model’s performance across different subgroups to identify any significant disparities.

Mitigating Bias: Strategies for Fairer AI

Once bias is detected, it’s crucial to implement strategies to mitigate it. Here are some approaches:

Data Preprocessing

  • Resampling techniques to balance representation
  • Removing sensitive attributes or proxies for sensitive attributes

Algorithm Modification

  • Incorporating fairness constraints into the learning algorithm
  • Using adversarial debiasing techniques


  • Adjusting decision thresholds for different groups
  • Applying calibrated equal odds post-processing

Diverse and Inclusive Teams:

  • Ensure that the teams developing AI systems are diverse and can bring different perspectives to identify and address potential biases.

Regular Audits

  • Conduct regular fairness audits of your AI systems to catch and address any emerging biases.

Example: Bias Detection and Mitigation with the Adult Dataset

To illustrate these concepts, let’s walk through a practical example using the Adult dataset, also known as the Census Income dataset.

This dataset is widely used in fairness research because it includes sensitive attributes like sex and race, and the task is to predict whether an individual’s income exceeds $50,000 per year.

Loading and Preprocessing the Data

First, we’ll load the dataset and perform some basic preprocessing:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Load the Adult dataset
url = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/adult/adult.data"
column_names = ['age', 'workclass', 'fnlwgt', 'education', 'education-num', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 
                'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week', 'native-country', 'income']
df = pd.read_csv(url, names=column_names, skipinitialspace=True, na_values='?')

# Preprocess the data
df = df.dropna()
df['income'] = df['income'].map({'>50K': 1, '<=50K': 0})
sensitive_attribute = 'sex'
label = 'income'

# Split the data
X = df.drop('income', axis=1)
y = df['income']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

Detecting Bias

To detect bias, we’ll use the AI Fairness 360 (AIF360) library to calculate the disparate impact, a measure of the ratio of favorable outcomes between the unprivileged and privileged groups:

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

# Create a LabelEncoder object
le = LabelEncoder()

# Apply LabelEncoder to each categorical column
for column in X_train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns:
    X_train[column] = le.fit_transform(X_train[column])

from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset
from aif360.metrics import BinaryLabelDatasetMetric

# Assuming `income` is your label and `sensitive_attribute` is defined
train_data = BinaryLabelDataset(df=pd.concat([X_train, y_train], axis=1), 

# Measure bias
metric = BinaryLabelDatasetMetric(train_data, unprivileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 0}], 
                                  privileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 1}])
print(f"Disparate impact before mitigation: {metric.disparate_impact()}")

A disparate impact score of 1.0 indicates perfect fairness, while values significantly below 1.0 suggest bias against the unprivileged group.


The analysis using the aif360 toolkit revealed a significant bias, with a Disparate Impact (DI) of 0.3647 before mitigation.

This means the unprivileged group is 63.53% less likely to receive favorable outcomes compared to the privileged group.

The low DI score indicates substantial bias in the model’s predictions, highlighting the need for bias mitigation strategies to achieve more equitable outcomes across different demographic groups.

Mitigating Bias

To address the observed disparate impact, we applied the Reweighing bias mitigation technique.

Reweighing adjusts the weights of the instances in the dataset to reduce bias while maintaining the original distribution of the data.

This method is effective in scenarios where the dataset’s inherent bias needs to be mitigated without altering the actual data values.

from aif360.algorithms.preprocessing import Reweighing

# Apply bias mitigation technique (Reweighing)
rw = Reweighing(unprivileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 0}], 
                privileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 1}])
train_data_transformed = rw.fit_transform(train_data)

# Measure bias after mitigation
metric_transformed = BinaryLabelDatasetMetric(train_data_transformed, 
                                              unprivileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 0}], 
                                              privileged_groups=[{sensitive_attribute: 1}])
print(f"Disparate impact after mitigation: {metric_transformed.disparate_impact()}")


  • Disparate Impact before Mitigation: 0.3647
  • Disparate Impact after Mitigation: 1.0000

After applying Reweighing, the disparate impact value was significantly adjusted closer to 1.0, indicating that the bias between the privileged and unprivileged groups was effectively mitigated. The nearly perfect value of 1.0 suggests that the dataset now exhibits a fairer distribution of outcomes across these groups, making it more equitable for downstream analysis or model training.

Evaluating the Impact

Finally, we’ll train logistic regression models on both the original and transformed data to compare their performance.

By comparing the classification reports, we can see how the bias mitigation technique affects the model’s overall performance.

Original ModelTransformed Model
Precision (Income ≤ $50K)0.820.84
Recall (Income ≤ $50K)0.950.95
F1-score (Income ≤ $50K)0.880.89
Precision (Income > $50K)0.730.74
Recall (Income > $50K)0.410.46
F1-score (Income > $50K)0.520.57


1. Overall Accuracy

  • The transformed model shows a slight improvement in overall accuracy.
  • This suggests that the bias mitigation technique (Reweighing) has had a positive impact on the model’s performance.

2. Performance on Lower Income Group (≤ $50K)

  • The transformed model slightly improved precision for class 0 (0.82 to 0.84).
  • Recall remained the same at 0.95, which is very high, indicating the model is good at identifying individuals in this income bracket.

3. Performance on Higher Income Group (> $50K)

  • The transformed model showed improvements in both precision (0.73 to 0.74) and recall (0.41 to 0.46) for class 1.
  • The improvement in recall is particularly noteworthy, as it increased by 5 percentage points.
  • This suggests the model is better at identifying individuals with higher incomes after bias mitigation.

5. F1-scores

  • For the lower income group, the F1-score improved slightly from 0.88 to 0.89.
  • For the higher income group, there was a more substantial improvement in the F1-score, from 0.52 to 0.57.


The bias mitigation technique has improved the model’s performance, particularly for predicting higher incomes.

This is significant because it suggests that the original model may have been underestimating higher incomes for certain groups, possibly due to biases in the training data.

The improved performance on the higher income group, without significant loss in performance for the lower income group, indicates that the Reweighing technique has successfully mitigated some of the bias in the original model.

Challenges and Considerations

While striving for fairness is crucial, it’s important to acknowledge some challenges:

Challenges and Considerations
  1. Trade-offs
    Often, optimizing for one definition of fairness can come at the cost of another. It’s crucial to carefully consider which fairness metric is most appropriate for your specific use case.
  2. Context Dependence
    What constitutes fairness can vary depending on the context and the specific application of the AI system.
  3. Intersectionality
    Individuals often belong to multiple demographic groups, and addressing bias becomes more complex when considering these intersections.
  4. Transparency
    Ensuring transparency in how fairness is defined and measured is crucial for building trust in AI systems.

Future Directions

As the field of AI fairness continues to evolve, several emerging trends and challenges are worth noting:

  1. Causal Approaches: There’s growing interest in using causal inference techniques to understand and mitigate bias, moving beyond purely statistical approaches.
  2. Fairness in Unsupervised Learning: Most current fairness research focuses on supervised learning tasks. Developing fairness metrics and mitigation strategies for unsupervised learning, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction, is an important area for future work.
  3. Federated Learning and Privacy: As privacy concerns grow, techniques like federated learning are becoming more popular. Understanding how to ensure fairness in these decentralized learning scenarios is a crucial challenge.
  4. Explainable AI and Fairness: Combining fairness with model interpretability is essential for building trustworthy AI systems. Future research will likely focus on developing methods that are both fair and explainable.
  5. Long-term Impact Assessment: Developing methodologies to assess the long-term societal impacts of deploying fair AI systems is an important area for future research.


Ensuring fairness in AI systems is not just a technical challenge but an ethical imperative.

By actively working to detect and mitigate bias, as demonstrated in our practical example, we can build AI systems that are not only powerful but also equitable and just.

The example we’ve walked through is just one approach – there are many other techniques and considerations in the rapidly evolving field of AI fairness.

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